Summary of Attendance

  • Updated

LEB2 has the ability to show the summary of attendance immediately after students or teachers checked in. It shows the student's status which you can view and export it to Excel.

LEB2 - Summary of attendance from KMUTT ETS on Vimeo.

Who can view the summary of attendance?

By default, the following roles can see the summary of attendance:

  • Teaching Team for viewing and exporting the file as excel
  • Students for viewing their status on LEB2 only

Type of checking

  • If it is marked by teachers, the status is shown in bolder colors 
  • If it is checked in  by students, the status is shown in transparent colors 

Student's status

  • On-time is in green 
  • Late is in orange 
  • Leave is in blue
  • Absent is in red 

Export summary of attendance

  1. Go to Attendance
  2. Select Summarized tab
  3. Select Export to Excel to download a summary of attendance


  • You can check how many times that students check-in on-time, late, leave, or absent based on the numbers indicated in parentheses at the top of the attendance table.
  • You can check each status by clicking Display all students then select Display students with on-time, late, leave, or absent.

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