Set attendance date

  • Updated

Feature Attendance is created to support you to check the number of students in the class. You can set class attendance dates in 2 ways which are creating new attendance date and creating by using class schedule.

Who can set the attendance date?

By default, the following roles can set the attendance date:

  • Owner and teacher

How to set attendance date

  • Create new attendance date 
  1. Go to Attendance
  2. Click New
  3. Select Date and Time 
  4. Click Save
  • Create by using Class Schedule
  1. Go to Attendance
  2. Select New Attendance from Class Schedule  
  3. Select Date (You can only create the date that aligns with the class schedule)
  4. Specify the number of attendance date you want to create
  5. Click Save


Note  you can click icon_leb2_bible-67.jpg   to Add to diary, Edit, or Delete 





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