'Learn It' is a feature that allows you to create an online course for your class. Just uploading a video or learning materials on Learn It feature which accommodates the students with their learning anywhere anytime they need!
Create your online lesson: Learn It!
- Updated
Go to 'Learn It' feature
Select New Section to create an online course
Fill the section in the blank
Click Create to create
The blank will be displayed to upload any learning material or video.
Click New to add the video or learning materials
Fill the further information as below
Choose file for video upload
Click icon to add the learning materials as required
Click Create to create an online course
If you want to change the sequence each section, you are able to follow these step as below:
Click ... on the right side
Select Manage lecture to rearrange the sequence
Be able to arrange the order by clicking the symbol and drag it to replace the position as you required
Click Save to save changes
Furthermore, You can move out, if you do not want to display the class description videos. Also, you can click Collapse all to display only course title or Expand all to portray any description or file in your course.