"Learn it" Micro-videos for anytime anywhere learning

  • Updated

The key of learning in the present day is "No limitation". To support and facilitate students in their anytime and anywhere studying, Learn It becomes the main feature to help in Self-paced learning. Micro-videos creation also plays a big role in helping teachers to design and create online learning lessons which can be aligned with Learning Outcomes (LO).


How to create Micro-videos on Learn It feature

  1. Section of online learning lesson contains sub-lessons as a video
  2. Each section should have a section goal (LO)
  3. The teacher can determine the length of the videos and the number of lessons in each section according to a teaching plan
  4. The video in each section are meant to guide:
    Content video: to describe the content and lead students to other learning sources
    Activity video: to provide learning activities for example brain-storming, exercise, submission, etc. through an online platform

The video section can be separated into 3 sub-sections 

1. The Beginning Section: it is an introduction and overview part. To show the details that students need to know before starting the lesson and to make them understand how the lesson is useful for them.

2. The Middle Section: it is the key of the lesson. There should be at least one main point for each lesson to show the students how the lesson is important to them.

3. The End Section: it is the last part of the section. It shows suggestions and gives direction to students on how they can apply what they have learned from the lesson to practice.


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