This article was written to collect questions from participants who attended the 12th LEB2 Training for Beginners on Friday, 1 July 2022.
Class Setting
Q: If I can't see the class I want to import in the import class list page on the LEB2 system, what should I do?
A: The LEB2 system will display a classroom in the Import class list since the department staff had entered information such as the course number, section, and a list of teaching team and students into the New ACIS system. After the data has been recorded, the class will be added to the LEB2 system's Import class list the next day. Please get in touch with the department's staff directly if you wants to know when the data will be fully transferred. In case the department staff informs that the data has been imported into the system successfully, but you still can't find the classroom in the Import class list on the LEB2 system. Please kindly contact the LEB2 support team to check immediately.
Q: Can I view courses taught in previous semesters on the class list page?
A: Yes, filtering by semester or year allows teachers to view previously taught subjects and classes. The system will display the classrooms for which teachers were nominated as teachers in the past semester.
- Q: Can I create more than one Criterion?
A: Yes. If you need more criteria apart from the one that comes with learning outcomes, you can easily create new criteria by yourself. - Q: Can I reuse Plan from previous semesters' classrooms?
A: Yes, you can clone plan from the desired classroom and use it in a new semester without creating a new lesson plan.
What will be included with a clone plan are:
👉🏻Learning outcomes
👉🏻Assessment Activity
👉🏻Learning Activity
👉🏻Learn it
👉🏻Survey - Q: If I clone the plan to the classroom, it already has some information. Will the old information from the destination classroom be lost?
A: No, the Feature Clone plan will update the new information to the destination classroom, and the previous data has not vanished.
Assessment Activity
- Q: Can students see other students' submissions when they submit an assignment in the system?
A: No, they can not. Only the students' submissions will be seen.
Online Quiz
- Q: Can I randomly select some quizzes for each student?
A: No, at the moment, the LEB2 system is unable to randomize some quizzes for students to do. But you can switch questions for students to see different things by setting the quizzes and selecting "Shuffle Questions," if you want to attach a different examination files to students individually, you can do so in the Assessment Activity feature. -
Q: Do the Quiz settings in the settings tab contain a specific for each item setting or setting up the whole quiz?
A: This will be the whole setting for the quiz. Currently, LEB2 supports 5 types of question formats.
👉🏻Multiple choices
👉🏻Short Answer
If you wants to set a specific item, it can be set on the right-hand side button while creating the quiz.
Settings tab for the entire quiz
Settings for a specific item
- Q: Will the person who the first imported classroom become a class owner is it correct?
A: Correct, the system will automatically assign a status (role) to the person who imports the first as the Class Owner, and other teachers will be in the status of a teacher (Teacher role). - Q: Can a Teaching Team in the Teacher role copy the clone plans, or is it allowed to be done only by the classroom owner?
A: Yes. The teaching team can copy the clone plans as well as the classroom owner. - Q: Can I add more class members to the list that came with the class?
A: Yes. After Class owner imports the class into the system. There will be a list of students and teaching team that you can add, remove or change members at any time, including the teaching team.
- Q: Can I download all the documents into one file for the entire classroom without separating individual folders?
A: No. If you clickAll student's submission files to the teacher's computer as a .zip file, but you can extract all student's submission files from the folders at one time.
- Q: Does the LEB2 system limit the size of files that can be uploaded?
A: There are no file size limitations on the LEB2 system (if the file is larger than 1 GB, it may take some time to upload). - Q: Can I use a digital pen to leave comments on student's submission PDF files on the system while reviewing assignments?
A: No. You have to download it out and write it on the assignment file. Once finished, you need to upload a new file attached to the icon. - Q: When students submit assignments into the system will the files submitted by students be kept in individual folders, and what if students create a duplicate file name with another student?
A: Yes. Submission files are displayed individually, so you can assess their assignment through the LEB2 system immediately. If you download the student's submission files, it will be displayed as a Zip file. When you extract files, they will be separated into individual folders and the system will rename the file as Student ID_File name automatically.
Support & Help
- Q: Will the system keep the classroom information or not? and will delete the old information that has been uploaded on LEB2?
A: The LEB2 system will keep the information from the previous semester and will not delete all information. - Q: Will the teacher be notified when the student submits the assignment?
A: Currently, LEB2 does not have notification of student submissions. - Q: Does LEB2 intend to perform a read status message when students read the teacher's feedback?
A: Yes, LEB2 has a plan that intends to develop a system in which teachers can see whether students have read the feedback or not. - Q: Can I switch from teacher mode to student mode?
A: No, you cannot. You can contact the LEB2 support team to review the student mode or add another teacher to be a Student observer. - Q: If I use other platforms to teach online, can the students still take exams on LEB2?
A: Yes, you can use LEB2 to design lesson plans and assessments to encourage students to achieve expected learning outcomes. - Q: If I need to contact the LEB2 support team after Mon-Fri at 08:30-16:30 hrs., will the support team reach back the next day or can I make an appointment?
A: Yes, you can leave a message and we will reach back to you as soon as possible. You can also make an appointment with LEB2 support team for a Zoom meeting.