What is Submission?

  • Updated

If you want to see the submission of students, you can check at Submission in Assessment Activity. It's where you can see students who submit on time or late, see the score you gave, and also download files of their work.

Who can see submission?

By default, the following roles can see submission:

  • Teaching team and observers

How to see the submission

  1. Go to feature Assessment Activity
  2. Go to Submission is at the bottom of page
  3. Select Display all students to choose student's status of the submission
  4. Search by ID or student's name to see the submission of each student
  5. Click Download all submission files to download all files 



1. The table is shown other details of each student, for example, the score, comment, submission status, or download files of each student.

2. If you haven't assessed their work yet, click Assess at Score to assess the assessment.





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