The class setting and clone plan are for managing the classroom. It's easy for you to manage your class on LEB2. You can import, create, or clone plan at any time.
Who can manage the class setting and clone plan?
By default, the following roles can manage:
- Owner and teacher
Import Class
- Click "Import Class"
- Select "Semester"
- Select "Class" that you want to import
- Click "Import"
- Import class comes with learning outcome from curriculum and list of students.
- If the teacher wants to create a new class without the New Acis teaching schedule data, please contact LEB2 Support Team.
Edit class description & detail
- Select classroom
- Click
- Select "Edit"
- Insert or edit your class description and detail
- Click "Save"
Import Student
- Click "..."
- Select "Import student"
- Click "Download template" to fill out a list of students
- Click "Choose files" to import a list of students that you fill out on the template LEB2
- Click "Import"
Archive class
- Go to "Class" that you want to archive
- Click
- Select "Archive"
- Click "OK"
- When you archived class, your classroom will be in Archived Classes and students will not see this class anymore.
- Both Import class and Create a new class is default as a draft class, therefore, the students will not see this class until you publish the class. So don't forget to click publish class!
Clone plan
- Go to "Class" that you want to clone plan
- Click
- Select "Clone plan"
- Select "Class" that you want to use this plan
- Click "Clone"
Note: Don't forget to edit Publish date and Due date of the cloned assessment activity and learning activity in a destination room.
What you should know about class setting
- Teaching team has full permission on managing all classes and activities on LEB2
- LEB2 Support Team will not edit, delete, or make any changes on class setting without the requests from teaching team
- The active classes will still appear on Published Classes. If the teaching team does not want students to see the classes, you can move them to Draft Classes by clicking "Setting" icon, select the class you want to draft, and then select "Revert class"