Add Learning Outcome

  • Updated

After a course's information has already been imported to LEB2 platform, all information including course descriptions, teachers' names, and students' names will be brought in automatically.  Whether you have already imported class, created a new one, or need criteria for assessment activity, feature Plan on LEB2 is where you can add more learning outcomes. Just follow the steps below.

Who can add learning outcomes?

By default, the following roles can add learning outcomes:

  • Owner and teacher can add more learning outcomes to the imported class or add new learning  outcomes when a new class has been created and it doesn't have Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) that aligned from the curriculum.

There are 2 Learning Outcomes in the class, which are Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) and Additional Learning Outcomes (LO). Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) comes with the class once it has been imported. Only the description of level of CLO can be edited and CLO cannot be deleted. For Additional Learning Outcomes (LO), they are new learning outcomes created by a teaching team. LO can be deleted or edited. The figure below shows each part of feature Plan where you can identify CLO and LO.

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Figure 1. The component of feature Plan 1) Name of the Curriculum 2) Year of the Curriculum 3) Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) and 4) Additional Learning Outcomes (LO)

How to Edit the description of level of CLO

  1. Select the Course Learning Outcome you want to edit
  2. Click 'Edit'
  3. Fill in the description of each level 
  4. Click 'Save'

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How to add a learning outcome

  1. Click Add Learning Outcome
  2. Write a learning outcome (You should focus on what the learners should know)
  3. Add a description to let others know what each level of assessment is about. (The level is a competency of learners after finish this class)
  4. When you're ready, click Create

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For the learners' competency, a default level is in level 3. However, it can be changed accordingly.

Related article >>> Can Course Learning Outcome Be Edited?


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