Breakout rooms on MS Teams!

  • Updated

Having an issue with too many students in one class? this issue can be easily solved by breaking out rooms on MS Teams!

Who is able to create breakout rooms?

  • Room organizer 

Which supports breaking out rooms setting?

  • Computer only

Follow these steps:

1. Go to Live now

2. Sign in by using 

3. Select Open Microsoft Teams

4. Click Join now to attend class

5. To divide a big classroom into small classrooms, click Breakout rooms



6. The setting for breaking out rooms will be popped up, select options respectively

  • Rooms: select the number of rooms you want to create
  • Participants: 2 options; Automatically is the system will assign people to the rooms for you. Meanwhile, manually is you will assign people to the rooms yourself. 
  • Select Create


7. After finished setting breakout rooms, click Start rooms. The system will start assigning students to the created rooms. Select Open rooms to start the activities. 

8. If you want to join the created rooms, select the room then click ... and select Join room. The room will be opened in a new tab. If you want to leave the room, click Leave or Resume at the main classroom in another tab.

Tips: You should breakout rooms before starting teaching to avoid disturbing the students in the class and wasting time on creating small rooms because it takes a while to finish. 

  Having a trouble with using Microsoft Teams?

If you find any trouble with using Microsoft Teams or Zoom, please contact ICT Service directly. Click here: ICT Service Desk - MS Teams and Zoom (Open Microsoft Teams and sign in with

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