If the teachers want every student in an online class to share their screen through Microsoft Teams, just follow these easy 4 steps !
1. Go to More actions
2. Select meeting options
3. In the question section, Who can present? Select Everyone
4. Click Save
Or If the teachers want students in an online class to share their screen individually through Microsoft Teams, there are easy steps to follow below.
1. Go to More actions
2. Select meeting options
3. In the question section, Who can present? Select Only me
4. Then, go to Show participants and select the student you want them to share their screen
5. Click ... next to the student's name and select Make a presenter
1. Only the class organizer can record and stop recording a video in the class
2. To download a recorded video, it will be shown in the class organizer chat and it can be downloaded through One Drive or shared with the participants by clicking Get the link
- Remark the link can be expired in a limited time. You are recommended to share and download the video immediately.
Having a trouble with using Microsoft Teams?
If you find any trouble with using Microsoft Teams or Zoom, please contact ICT Service directly. Click here: ICT Service Desk - MS Teams and Zoom (Open Microsoft Teams and sign in with email@kmutt.ac.th)