Individual Assessment Activity is the activity that the teachers use for evaluating students to achieve a learning outcome. It can be anything like homework for your students.
Which role can create an individual assessment activity?
- Teaching team
How to create an individual assessment activity?
- Go to feature Assessment activity
- Click New activity
- Fill up information for title and description (if any)
- Click to attach and upload your attachment (if any)
Set a publish date for this activity
Set a due date for limitation of this activity
Select Individual to create an individual activity
Select Advanced Settings (optional)
- Click Important to show this assessment is important
- Click Average score from assigned reviewers then tick Assign all reviewers to assess by multiple teachers or all teachers, so the score is averaged by them.
- Click Self-assessment required so students have to assess by themselves before.
9. Click Create to save changes
- The system defaults publish date as the current date. If you don't set publish date, an assessment cannot be created.
- The created date won't be visible. Only published and due date will be referring to the setting.
- If students have submitted their work, the edition and deletion are not allowed.