Assessment Activity Creation for Score Announcement on LEB2

  • Updated


In case you want to access the activity outside LEB2 but announce the score on it, also want to align the activity with Learning Outcome (LO) to track students' learning outcome. You can create the activity through 2 features on LEB2, which are Plan and Assessment Activity.


You can see the whole picture of the class through this feature. Plan was designed according to the concept of the constructive alignment which consists of Learning Outcome (LO), Assessment Activity and Learning Activity. Plan is where you can create an activity for score announcement on LEB2. Also, on Plan, you can align the activity with Learning Outcome (LO).

How to

  1. Go to Plan
  2. Select Learning Outcome (LO) to align the activity 
  3. Click New in Assessment Activity column and select Assessment Activity


  4. A form of New Assessment Activity will be sown. Fill in necessary requirement
  5. Click Create 
  6. When you click at the activity that you have just created on Plan, the description of criterion which comes with the Learning Outcome cannot be edited but only score can be. 

Assessment Activity

This feature is designed for creating Assessment Activity and criterion for assessment. Also, you can announce scores through this feature. 

How to

  1. Go to Assessment Activity
  2. Click New Activity


  3. A form of New Assessment Activity will be sown. Fill in necessary requirement
  4. Click Create 
  5. If you want to align the activity with Learning Outcome (LO), go to Plan
  6. Select Learning Outcome (LO) that you want to align activity with, and select Import 


  7. Select the activity you want to import
  8. Mark the activity and click Add


Note: One activity can be aligned with many Learning Outcomes (LO). You can import the activity which you have created on Assessment Activity feature to Learning Outcome on Plan. 

Criterion creation 

Basically, only one criterion will be set as default for each activity. However, you can create more as you wish. You need to make sure you create clear and enough criterion for the assessment.

How to

  1. Go to Assessment Activity
  2. Select the activity you want to create more criterion
  3. Scroll down Criteria
  4. Click New to add more criterion


  5. Click Edit to complete the requirement


  6. After completion, click Save

Note: You can add as much as criterion as you like and it must be clear and enough for the assessment. Also, when you fill the score in the template, you must fill in every criterion you have created. Because, if you don't, it will show that you haven't completed the assessment and students won't be able to see the score. In case you don't want to calculate the score for some activity, unmark at Calculate this score.


Downloading the score template for use

After you have created the activity and aligned it with Learning Outcome. Also, complete criterion creation. You can now download the template for use outside LEB2. The file will be an Excel. You can use it to fill the score individually and import it back to LEB2 once you finish the assessment and want to announce the score through LEB2.

How to

  1. Go to Assessment Activity
  2. Select the activity
  3. Click "..."
  4. Select Download Score Template

  5. Fill the score individually *must fill in every criterion you have created

Importing the file for announcement 

After completing assessment and filling in the score in the exported file, you can now import it back to announce the score on  LEB2. 

How to

  1. Go to Assessment Activity
  2. Select the activity you want to import the file
  3. Click "..."
  4. Select Import score
  5. Select the Excel file that you have downloaded from LEB2 to import it back
  6. Click Announce score


Note: You must import the same file as you downloaded it from LEB2 because it needs to be the same template and it will be easier for you to manage the score announcement. If it is an individual activity, you must fill the score for everyone. However, if it is a group activity, you can fill the score for only one person in the group and the rest will receive the same score automatically.


 Contact us!

If you want us to support you, you can contact LEB2 for arranging a demo meeting. We will give you a link to join Zoom meeting with us according to the date and time you require. 

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